why do we have this incessant need to fix everything? sometimes it's better to leave things good and broken...
the moment we see something that doesn't meet our expectation or if something throws us in for a loop; the moment we notice that tiny mistake or the small imperfection, we reach out to fix it or to hide the blemish under layers of what is more pleasing to our eye.
we think of solutions; reach for the liquid paper; some even go so far as to change their recollection of events so that what remains is a more pleasing memory - the edges blurred out as a soft light casts a hazy glow onto the subjects of said memory.
but isn't it necessary to let things simmer sometimes? just let it sit and see what happens.
if our parents rushed over to pick us up every time we fell when learning to walk, none of us would be standing on our own two feet now.
if the hero doesn't suffer in misery before conquering his demons, the story wouldn't be as captivating as it is.
if everything is smooth sailing in a relationship in general, we wouldn't experience the elation from triumphs when they came.
where is this coming from? well it's nothing personal from my mundane life. just an observation that i happened to make today.
i guess that's why i'm such a sucker for angst. i'm referring to the urban dictionary definition of angst.
"Angst, often confused with anxiety, is a
transcendent emotion in that it combines the unbearable anguish of life
with the hopes of overcoming this seemingly impossible situation.
Without the important element of hope, then the emotion is anxiety, not
angst. Angst denotes the constant struggle one has with the burdens of
life that weighs on the dispossessed and not knowing when the salvation
will appear."
unbearable anguish indeed.
throw in a glimmer of hope for overcoming a seemingly impossible situation and you've more or less got me: hook, line and sinker.
Angst and UST(unresolved sexual tension), eventually turning into fluff and RST(resolved sexual tension), 'natch. Just my cup of tea ;)