Wednesday, May 8, 2013

burnin' up

So I posted a new story about two and a half hours ago. So far, i've got 18reviews and more than 650hits. For someone who's ecstatic to get more than 10 reviews a chapter, 18 reviews in merely 2.5 hours has me (kinda) over the moon.

So my reviews have all been mainly positive, but there are a few negative ones out there, and i'm fine with that. But i can't help but notice some users who voice the same thing over and over again in different stories.

When will something be considered con-crit?  and how do you differentiate it from flaming?

It's harsh when you put up your work for the world to scrutinize. obviously not everyone is going to like it, and i'm fine with that, especially since i'm starting to enjoy toeing the line and venturing into the grey area.

when i write something, obviously i write it in a certain way because that's my personal opinion. everyone's entitled to their own POV. if someone has a conflicting opinion with mine, by all means, bring it up, challenge me, we can talk it out or whatever, i don't mind discussing and exchanging opinions. but sometimes at the end of the day, we just have to agree to disagree.

saying something is full of crap is just... childish.

you bring up the same running issue time and again. she's unreasonable, yadda yadda yadda. well, maybe i find it easier to side with the female because i am one, and i can relate to certain issues.

have you ever considered that you've always sided with the male because you are a male too? i'm not playing the sexist card, but us girls are more sensitive to each other and certain things.

no matter how flipping drop dead gorgeous a girl is, every one of us have body image issues. the only difference is how big a deal it is to each individual.

of course we're going to say that things are fine even when its not. what else are we supposed to do? we're wired that way.

it's natural for us to feel insecure at times. yes, we sometimes acquire more reassurances so if you can't deal with that, go find that one special girl that's different or go get yourself a nice dude.

criticize me on my writing style. or on my approach to themes. or how i sometimes don't realize if i'm writing in simple past or past perfect and even some present tense all at the same time. and if i'm not typing out something on microsoft word, go ahead and bash me for relying on auto-capitalization.

don't pick a fight with me because of how i choose to interpret a character's opinion. I'll take your input into consideration, but please, if you're going through all my work to pick on the same person, do us both a favor and stop reading.

no one's forcing you to read. no one's holding a gun to your head. so why don't you just walk away. 

Ps. yes, this is my way of standing up to bullies. i just haven't figured out how to say it to their faces yet, but at least this way, i fell like i'm giving them a piece of my mind. baby steps and small comfort, you know?

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