Monday, October 29, 2012

One of Those days

So it's gearing up to be one of Those days. Great. 

U know what I mean... When someone's voice is enough to grate on your nerves. Oh the whiny one; then there's the holier than thou idiot; the downright shouts for no bloody reason voice; the spoilt brat. Gods. 

And then there are those who just needs a high five. In the face. With a stool. You just look at some people and you can't help but want to punch them in the face. 

An hour and a half of mindlessly copying Russian texts should hopefully be enough to get me out of this funk. Useless lecture in the morning. Bleurgh. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Boys and girls. We are fundamentally different. One of us have the XX chromosome while the other has an XY combination. Everything else is the same, just one tiny difference in our chromosome pairs. 

And yet we are so different from each other. As kids, we develope as different pace. Now that we're grown up, we're still so different. 

A friend of mine presumably faced a bump in his romance life. Presumably.
His reaction is probably the same as any other girl who'd face the same thing. Emo and depressed. In this aspect both genders react similarly. 

But here's where I find a difference and find it fascinating. 

His guy friends are all about talking the girl out of a relationship she recently got in to; or breaking them up etc. Basically giving my friend another chance of getting her. (there were also talks of playing the field instead of ever having anything serious. This i do not condone)

If this were to happen to me or one of my girl friends, i'd think that I or my friends would work the other angle. 
He's not good enough for you anyway; there are other guys out there; if he's with someone else that's his loss etc. Basically we're encouraging each other to move on. 

I guess this is why most of the time guys are doing the chasing and courting. Note that I say most of the time ;p

Either way, I think we're young only once. Biologically you heal and grow faster and better when you're young.
So take this chance and go out there. Love passionately and live your life.  If you fall, you fall hard.  Hurts like hell, but pick yourself up, and try again. Don't make the same mistakes twice, after all, fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
But then again, don't become so guarded that you don't live. After all, we're young only once. 

Either way, i Hope things work out for my friend. 

Friday, October 26, 2012


So it's been quite some time since i've last blogged... and for some reason the blogging-mojo has returned :)

since i'm in a new chapter of my life, i think it's high time to start over fresh with a new blog... clean slate and all that...

Stay tuned!