Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Theory of Relativity

Three days. 

Three days till I board the plane, home bound yet again. Three days till i get a freedom of sorts.

All that stands between me and that plane ride is a test tomorrow and finals the day after. 

Yet here i am, procrastinating as i let time tick by. Tick Tock Tick Tock the clock's a-ticking but i don't care. 

I rationalize and justify to myself that blogging/writing is the lesser of two evils. If i give in to my Sloth who knows how long i'll just lay in bed. 

Writing it is.

Why blog? Why not start working on the second chapter of my fluff piece? Or why not edit the hell out of the first chapter of my angst fic? I'll tell you why - because i'm self-absorbed and i decree that it is time to indulge myself. Hah!

Besides, i'm more likely to spend less time writing out this blog post as compared to the other two. 

In other news, i've recently gotten twitter :) I realize that i'm super late in joining the band wagon, but i don't mind because the "weak ones" have been "weeded out", leaving only people who really use twitter around. Less spammy than facebook. And although i've only gotten twitter a little over a week ago, i'm hooked onto it. Yes, i admit that i'm one of those people who use twitter to pseudo-stalk hollywood celebrities, but i follow the world news too, which i've never done before. But one of the highlights have got to be discovering the niche of Castle fans on twitter. And it's great to use twitter to interact with all these people because my twitter account is new and more importantly, not linked to facebook so there's that distance that enables me to keep my privacy intact. :)

I'm also learning more and more about Word and it's function. There are actually a lot of functions that we just overlook and never bother to learn. But now that i'm discovering all these new functions, i get all nerdy and excited. I think i should be slightly ashamed for being so lame? 
But seriously, how can you not find some of the features cool? Page break was convenient, but section break was an eye opener with all the formatting tweaks etc with different parts of the whole document. And when your document runs more than a hundred pages long, you'll really appreciate learning to use section break. The latest thing that i've recently discovered (just last night, in fact) is tracking changes. I did my own research, looked it up on the internet and watched tutorials to learn how it works but i've yet to use it in real life. Can't wait to try that out :)

And now i'm bored.