Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back to November..?

 So i really appreciated all the support i got in november, and i (probably) wouldn't have been able to finish NaNoWriMo without all the support hence here is my thank you. 

Much as i hate people reading what i wrote (blogging aside), i know many people have asked me over and over again if they could read my novel. thank you for your patience in waiting all these months. i am sorta kinda cringing as i present it to you guys. 

Few things about my novel you should know. 
1. It's a fanfiction. if you don't know what that is, bless you, poor soul, go google it. 
2. It's a Castle fanfiction. So i know many people probably don't follow Castle, but i love it to bits and pieces. it's probably the one show i really fangirl over. Go watch it if you haven't. Go! but for those of you who won't watch it because you don't have the time or whatever, it's basically this best selling author (Rick Castle) who shadows a detective (Kate Beckett) and her team.
3. I completed it months ago, but i'm only editing it now, so i'll probably post chapters weekly as i go.
4. Review! If you liked it, a little encouragement goes a long way :) if you don't, i can take con-crit. that's how we improve. If you have an ff account, you could log in to review, otherwise you could just review anonymously or review under a fake name -- whatever strikes your fancy, really, but it would really mean a lot to me if you would review :) 

 So here's the summary on :- 
AU. Seems our detective has been keeping a secret all these years. Watch what happens when Castle finds out Beckett has a daughter and how they move on from there. Caskett.

Without further ado, i present to you Second Chance.

*scurries and hides somewhere

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